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When we make play the foundation of learning, we teach the Whole child.


When children participate in a wide variety of play experiences, they are better prepared for life. This is why Loving Tender Childcare is the best childhood preparation for social and academic success; we ensure children have fun while learning the skills they need to become school-ready, career-ready and life-ready

Preschool is a place to grow.

Children benefit from an early education in nearly exponential ways. Preschool-aged children need stimuli, encouragement, and structure. We’ve all heard about how kids thrive off routine, and the same can be said for early education. At this age, their minds are natural sponges — they absorb everything! A study has shown the very real differences between the success of adults who attended a preschool program as children versus those who did not. With our preschool curriculum, our goals are to replicate this experience.

What our customers are saying

I love when people tell me how fortunate I am to have childcare and to have a care giver be so loving that the kids WANT to be there. The boys always talk about Miss Harris!


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